Бизнес. Власть. Общество. Эффективность
12 655 050 человек (2021)
ВВП 1044 млрд USD
Средняя зарплата:
91 420 RUB (1 483 USD)
4 545 942 человек (2021 год)
ВРП 140 млрд рублей
Средняя зарплата:
43 154 рубля (2020 год)
818 570 чел. (2021 г.)
Объем производства товаров и услуг в 2014 г. - 168,8 млрд руб. (77 в РФ, РИА Рейтинг)
Средняя зарплата:
32 226 рублей
3 660 000 человек (2016 год)
Объем производства товаров и услуг в 2014 г. - 950 млрд руб. (20 в РФ, РИА Рейтинг)
Средняя зарплата:
45 600 рублей (2016 год, Росстат)
1 646 100 человек (2016 год)
Объем производства товаров и услуг в 2014 г. - 3 348 млрд руб. (2 в РФ, РИА Рейтинг)
Средняя зарплата:
56 300 рублей (2014 год, Росстат)
536 000 человек (2016 год)
Объем производства товаров и услуг в 2014 г. - 1 509 млрд руб. (10 в РФ, РИА Рейтинг)
Средняя зарплата:
64 200 рублей (2014 г., Росстат)
3 855 037
Татарстан является 6-м по объёмам производства в России (ВРП - 1 трлн 520 млрд р.)
Средняя зарплата:
27,6 тыс. рублей
3 442 810 чел. (2021)
Объем производства товаров и услуг - 1 218 млрд руб. (14 в РФ, РИА Рейтинг)
Средняя зарплата:
Средняя зарплата - 38693 рублей (2020 год, Росстат)
5 388 759 чел. (2021 г.)
Средняя зарплата:
47 178 рублей
145 975 300 чел. (2021 г.)
ВВП 1,47 трлн. долларов
Средняя зарплата:
30 000 рублей

Heavenly Lilia

5245 тематика: Irina Berman, Nikolai Nikolaevich Gornakov, Sobornaya Ploshad

I am very pleased that there are people in our country who honor the memory of heroes, preserve historical facts and foster patriotism in the younger generation. One of such patriots is Nikolai Nikolaevich Gornakov, director of the “Sobornaya Ploshad” Association. He became the creator of the idea to perpetuate the memory of the fighter aviation ace pilot Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak, Hero of the Soviet Union, who made 138 sorties. It all started with the idea of installing a plaque on the house where Lydia lived. N.N. Gornakov made this request to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

In 2018, a solemn opening of a memorial plaque took place in Moscow at 14 Novoslobodskaya Street.

In 2020, the idea was born to make a documentary about Lydia Litvyak.

It took almost 2 years to implement this project. The idea of Nikolai Gornakov was supported by entrepreneurs, public figures who provided financial assistance in the creation of the film.

On May 7, 2022, the premiere screening of the documentary "Heavenly Lilia" took place at the State Budgetary Institution of the city of Moscow, the Social Rehabilitation Center for Veterans of Wars and the Armed Forces.

The premiere was attended by students of the First Moscow Cadet Corps of Moscow School No. 1056, veterans and other visitors.

During the ceremonial part before the show, silver medals "Generation Star" were awarded by the association "Sobornaya Ploshad":

Deputy of the Moscow City Duma Nikolaeva Elena Leonidovna for the active implementation of social and charitable projects;

Director of the Federal Autonomous Institution "RosKapStroy" Yulia G. Maximova, for her personal contribution to the development of the construction industry in the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Crimea, the Republic of Dagestan, the city of Donetsk;

Limited Liability Company "Centr Spezialnoy Odezdy" for high efficiency and continuous improvement of production activities;

 General practitioner Makarkin Vladimir Nikolaevich for active participation in the work of the observatory during the COVID-19 epidemic on the basis of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Veterans of Wars and the Armed Forces.

Special thanks to the singer and director Dmitry Nesterov, who performed the legendary songs of the war years.

You can watch the movie Heavenly Lilia on the YouTube channel of the association "Sobornaya Ploshad".


Author of the article: Berman Irina.